UX Design for Software

User-friendly design is the basis for software success
UX for software is special!

The demands on user experience design for software are particularly high because a lot of functionality often has to be combined with a simple operating concept.

dimensional knows the special challenges when it comes to the conception and design of intuitive user interfaces for software and web applications.

  • User Experience Design helps to plan and specify the software - before it is elaborately implemented.
  • User Experience Design focuses its application on the users and their needs, thus ensuring a high level of user satisfaction.
  • A well-designed user experience makes it easy for users to achieve their goals with the software. A good information architecture helps users to avoid information overload and find their way around better.
  • User experience includes user research: the acceptance and quality of the design is empirically tested. Usability tests reveal problems at an early stage before investments have to be made in technical development.
  • Expert reviews and UX audits help to identify the potential of user experience design for existing applications.

Good software is not a question of the functions it offers, but a question of the actions that someone likes to perform with it.

dimensional UX-Team Codex 



Code-based UI libraries: We deliver the perfect basis

Good design is one thing: the technically high-quality and solid implementation of the frontend - for example in the form of own components in a user interface library. Only modular implementation and systematic documentation enable the perfect basis for later extensions and accelerate the connection of the actual functionality to the interface.

Design, structural and functional specifications are provided for the components, along with information on content maintenance and automated playout. Through a close exchange with the development team and continuous quality assurance during implementation, we ensure that the implementation of the application is true to the concept and design.

Insight into our work

Our services for your next software project

Interested? Please get in touch.

Your contact person
Jonathan Kull
Account Manager